Hi, I’m Catherine

Catherine picture 1A long time ago in a land far-far away, I started this blog to write about my experience after a diagnosis of breast cancer. I was 27 years old (okay, only a few days from turning 28), had been married for a year to my wonderful Zsolt, had a job I loved, lived in England, had amazing friends and missed Canada in a way that was deep and aching.

Within weeks of diagnosis I’d lost my breast and had life turned inside out.

(Snap your fingers; it happens that fast.)

And so I was suddenly faced with mortality, and all this ‘what’s life about’, which basically sent everything into a tail spin. Before you could say, “abracadabraandhocuspocus!” our lives jumped track and took another course. We had planned on babies, England, and full-time employment. Instead we got late night sweat-attacks, thesis challenges, international reorganizations, and a big question mark over where we would fit after all these changes.

A few concrete ideas came out of that year. (Okay, I know, this story’s dragging on – for an ‘about section this is way too long! So just hold on tight cause this part is important.)

  1. I am a writer – this blog has fused that into my being.

  2. I want to be a novelist – and the novel I was writing in preparation of pregnancy had to take a whole new meaning and direction after I realized pregnant Catherine wasn’t happening anytime soon.

  3. My husband is totally awesome.

  4. We had to come back to Canada, cause I was crazy homesick. (Though now miss England like nuts.)

  5. We have to rebuild our lives.

  6. We must move forward.

And so I’ve got a few goals with this blog. Tell our stories, make you laugh, chronicle our immigration, and write awesome stuff that will one day be available in your local book store – stuff like Margaret Atwood, Terry Pratchett, Felicia Day, Jane Austen, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and Kurt Vonnogat would write, except not at all like them really because my style is my style, and I don’t have half of their wit. (And until it’s available in the book store, I’ll be making several things available here online. Stay tuned for more on that.)

Yes, this is a very serious ‘about me’ section. But I’m a serious woman. Well, I’m kinda serious. I’m like serious 22% of the time, if I’m paying attention . . . like if I’m actually really focused. Okay, maybe 15% of the time.

Point is: Life’s a journey, so thank God I’m a traveller. (And writer!)

Please enjoy the show,
